Bethlehem University Undergraduate Catalog 2020-2021

Academic Regulations


Repeating Courses

a."F" Grade: Students who fail a required course must repeat it as soon as possible.  If the course is repeated and failed a second time, the student will be dismissed from the University (i) if the course was a University Requirement, (ii) if the course was a Faculty/Major/ Minor Requirement, unless the student can earn acceptance into another Faculty/Major/Minor, as applicable.  An elective course may or may not be repeated, as the student may choose to fulfill his/her elective requirements by taking a different elective course.

b."D" Grade: Upon approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, a senior may repeat a maximum of two required courses (at the 200 level or above) with D (not D+) grades if this is needed to satisfy the graduation requirement of a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or/and a Major GPA of 2:00.

c.GPA: When a course is repeated, both grades will be recorded, but only the more recent of the two will be computed in the GPA.

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