General Regulations

The University is primarily a place for study and intellectual pursuits.  All student regulations are designed to support this purpose and for the safety and welfare of all members of the University community.  These general regulations are concerned with student attitudes towards people, places, and property.

  1. Courtesy:  Students are expected to act with maturity, respect, and politeness in their relations with all members of the University community: other students, administrators, teachers, and support staff.  Learning to contribute actively and critically to classroom discussion, refraining from talking out of turn, and avoiding what might be considered rudeness are expected of a University student.  Students should refrain from eating, drinking, and smoking in all classes, lab sessions, and the Library.  Any action endangering the safety of others or any interference with the running of a class are serious violations of proper conduct.
  2. Academic Integrity: It is expected that students attending Bethlehem University understand and subscribe to the ideal of academic integrity, and are willing to bear individual responsibility for their work. The University, like all communities, functions best when its members treat one another with honesty, fairness, respect, and trust. Therefore, an individual should realize that deception for the purpose of individual gain is an offense against the members of the community. In particular acts of plagiarism and cheating are not tolerated.
  3. Visitors:  Visitors may be invited to the campus except during final exams.  Students are to obtain the Visitor's Pass in advance from the Dean of Students, Public Relations Officer, or a Vice President.  To invite a visitor to a class the student must have first obtained the permission of the teacher.  All visitors must first report to the gatekeeper and show the Visitor's Pass. Visits are allowed on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9:00 till 12:00, and forbidden on Thursdays and Fridays. also visits are  not allowed during the student senate elections period.
  4. Quiet Areas:  The quality of life and work that is expected at the University requires that students refrain from congregating and making unnecessary noise within the buildings and especially near the classrooms or the courtyard.  Silence is very important in the Library and should be strictly maintained.
  5. Restricted Areas:  The classrooms, the Library, the cafeteria and the grounds are the normal student areas.  The laboratories and the auditoriums are restricted to classes or student groups for specific periods.  Students should not enter other areas, such as the administrative offices, teachers' offices, the printing office unless they come by appointment or invitation of the staff members responsible or during the designated teacher’s office hours.  Cars are to be parked in the parking lot.  Cars are not allowed on campus.
  6. Property:  Students are expected to treat University property and furnishings as they would those in their own home.  No student should use a University equipment or computer without permission of the staff member responsible for it. 
  7. University Reputation:  The University has a basic right to its good name and reputation. If a student, on or off campus, injures the good name of the University to a serious degree, the University has the right to call him/her to account.
  8. Student Activities:  Several student clubs and societies have been established to organize student activities that will promote an active, social, cultural, and intellectual life on campus. Plans for any specific event, especially those involving outsiders or off-campus activities, need to be submitted to the Dean of Students for approval to prevent conflict between activities, interference with the normal academic process, or harm to the University's reputation.  As the University must serve all students, activities of individual political parties are prohibited.
  9. Use of the Library:  Detailed information on the use of the University Library, that is, Library policies, procedures, services, databases, and other resource materials is found in the Bethlehem University Library Homepage:  The online public access catalog (OPAC):  is the search tool for finding varied resource formats in the University Library.


Any violations of these regulations will be brought to the Disciplinary Committee which will recommend appropriate disciplinary action to the Executive Vice President.  Serious violations can result in dismissal from the University. Suspension of Library privileges will be imposed on all those who keep books and other materials beyond the period permitted. For more details Please refer to the Bethlehem University Student Code of Conduct by following this link: 

Bethlehem University Foundation
Phone: +1-202-526-6097
Fax: +1-202-526-6096
Washington, DC USA
Bethlehem University in the Holy Land
Phone: +972-2-274-1241
Fax: +972-2-274-4440
Bethlehem, Palestine

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